
Sunday, July 10, 2022. Subject: "Go And Pray Again"

Anthony & Della Lawson
Under the leadership of Pastors W. Anthony and Della Lawson, Jumping Run Church,Inc., has experienced a Biblical transition, which brought about revolutionary change and growth during the past 34 years. They work together closely carrying out the God-given vision for the ministry, "Reaching the Lost and Teaching The Found!"
Pastor W. Anthony Lawson, Jr. is an experienced preacher/teacher of the Holy Bible. His ministry places emphasis on line-by-line Biblical principle-based instruction on how to apply the Word of God into everyday real- life situations. His heart's desire is to see people's lives changed by the Word of God. He earned a B.A. Degree from
N.C. A&T State University and he earned a M.A. Ed.in Counselor Education from East Carolina University.
Pastor Della W. Lawson is a Bible teacher who has been called to teach Biblical principles and to instruct people to practically apply God's Word to their lives through special emphasis on faith, healing, and intercessory prayer. She is also overseer of the Volunteer Ministry of H.E.L.P.S., (Having Enough Loving People Serving), at Jumping Run Church. She earned a B.S. Degree from Winston -Salem State University and she earned a M.A. Ed. Degree in Counselor Education from East Carolina University.
Pastors Anthony and Della Lawson are both former school counselors and educators who love the Lord and love people. They enjoy seeing God change the lives of those seeking Him, making Him Lord of their lives, and daily growing into His character and image because, "It's all about Him."
They have two adult children. William Anthony Lawson, III, who is married to Jennifer Bynum Lawson, and Lori Lawson Poag, who is married to Hezekiah Poag, III. They have two grandsons, William Anthony Lawson, IV and Hezekiah Poag, IV. William III and Jennifer are the Youth Ministers at the church and lead the J.U.M.P. Ministries (Juveniles Under The Master's Plan) and J.U.M.P. Team at Jumping Run Church, Inc.

Online Service Times:
Sunday Mornings at 11:00 am
Thursday Evenings at 7:00pm
Jumping Run Church was founded in the late 1800's by a group of Christian men and women of the Institute Community in Lenoir County. These men and women were determined to establish a place of worship. The name of the church was derived from an early custom that required worshippers to actually run and jump to cross the run, which is a narrow creek, to get to the sanctuary. There has been many pastors over the years and many changes.
Pastors W. Anthony & Della W. Lawson have been leading the congregants at Jumping Run Church, Inc. since July 1986. Under their leadership, the church experienced a Biblical transition, which brought about revolutionary change and growth. Pastors Anthony & Della, along with the congregants, have worked tirelessly to carry out the God-given vision of the ministry: " Reach The Lost & Teach The Found."
Since the church is a group of people who have been called out of the world, redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus and regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit, Jumping Run is a church that is committed to do the will of God. The function of the church of Jesus Christ is two-fold: (1) Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature; (2) Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.
Our Mission at Jumping Run Church, Inc. is to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for Christian service and the work of ministry. Jumping Run Church, Kinston is led by Pastor Al and Tenisha Coleman.
Jumping Run Church, Inc, history continues to unfold as we continue to walk by faith and not by sight. To God be the glory for the great things He has done, is doing, and will be doing through believers at Jumping Run Church, Inc. We believe and know that the best is yet to come.

H.E.L.P.S. Ministry (Having Enough Loving People Serving)
The Youth Ministry, J. U.M.P. Ministries
Transportation Ministry
Parking Lot Ministry
Greeters and Ushers
Music Ministry
Nursery/Children's Church Ministry
Maximum Marriage Ministry
Sanctified Singles Ministry
Dance Ministry
Prison Ministry
Finance Ministry
Media/Sound Ministry
Nursing Ministry
New Members Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Women's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Prayer Ministry
Nursing Home Ministry
Outreach Ministry
Mail To: Jumping Run Church
4308 Jumping Run Church Road
LaGrange, NC 28551
Cash App: $JumpingRunChurch